South African visual artist Richie Madyira

Richie Madyira

South Africa | 1 artworks for sale

  • Chilling - Painting by Richie Madyira Chilling
    Painting / 70 x 70 cm
    R16 000
  • Sunday Afternoon - Painting by Richie Madyira
    Sunday Afternoon
    Painting / 75 x 75 cm
  • Tinodanana - Painting by Richie Madyira
    Painting / 80 x 100 cm
  • Slaying - Painting by Richie Madyira
    Painting / 100 x 100 cm
Richie Madyira's paintings are character studies rather than portraits: his figures and subjects appearing against imaginary, idealised and brightly coloured backgrounds.

The artist's work is rooted in his lived experience. He tackles themes such as the living conditions in the poorest communities to the hardships he experienced as a child, and subsequently as an immigrant - in his visual storytelling.

Zimbabwean artist Richie Madyira was born in Harare in 1989.  He was granted a scholarship by British American Tobacco to study at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe school of Visual Art & Design, and graduated in 2007 with a Diploma in Fine Arts.

Selected Exhibitions:

Group Summer Show at RK Contemporary, Riebeek Kasteel

Nostalgia - group exhibition at Daor Contemporary, Cape Town

Group exhibition - AVA Gallery, Cape Town

Trueworths Group Show, Cape Town

Graduate exhibition at National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Young Artist Group Exhibition, Delta Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

Which new trends or South African artists do you find inspiring at the moment?
Simphiwe Ndzube - the way he combines painting and sculpture in his work to create a powerful story.

Which South African deceased artist do you most admire and why?
George Pemba because of his compositions and tonal variations.

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
Any painting by Kerry James Marshall

Pick three artists who you would be honored to exhibit with – and why
Kerry James Marshall, Lionel Smit and Cinga Sampson because their work really inspires me.

How did you get started? Did you always want to be an artist?
I started drawing at an early age, and have always wanted to be an artist. My talent was spotted by British American Tobacco who sponsored my studies in fine art.

What are some of the key themes you explore in your work?
Beliefs, our culture and traditions as young black men.

What should people know about your art that they can’t tell from looking at it?
That there are at least 4 layers of paint in my works

Tell us more about your creative process.
I’m an avid movie fan and have used film scenes as the source material for some of my paintings.

Do you believe an artist should use their platform to influence society? Why?
Yes. Because art is a powerful form of communication, and paintings can give people hope and courage.

Do you have a favourite or most meaningful work?
Yes -

What is your greatest achievement as an artist to date?
One of my paintings features on the menu of Nando’s in Canada

What are your aspirations for the future?
Tol continue to explore, discover and invent new styles of painting.